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The erotic thriller Guarded Secrets (1997) kicks off with Pace Bradley (Mark Long) giving the old hoo-hah to Tracy (gorgeous Gabriella Hall) in a hotel room. Alas, the next morning the "ha-ha" is on him when he awakes to find that his pick-up has taken off with his wallet and, worse, his car.

A search party is on a jungle expedition to discover a lost civilization. Jane (Rosa Carraciolo) is lost in the forest when she is going for a stroll. She is traced out by the Tarzan, the Ape man (Rocco Siffredi). Emotionally Apeman and Jane proceeds to have sex. The next day, the party finds her bringing the Apeman to the camp. To the party, Jane introduces him as her boy friend. The party tries to tame him from his jungle ways in more than one. Nevertheless the ape man proceeds to have sex with a couple of women too in the search party. Finally Jane leaves the party and goes to the forest with Apeman.